Friday, May 05, 2006

Preparing to do my first wedding. This Sunday between the morning and evening service Sarah Ball and Adam Corkins are tying the knot. Which is very interesting language since you have that great Christian symbol of the Celtic knot. And also I am preaching on Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, "a threefold cord is not easily broken." Now most of the passage is talked about a two, but then there is this last line about three. What does that have to do with marriage? If you watch Big Love on HBO it's not what you are thinking.

The third that has to be in any truly free, functioning, and fabulous marriage is God. The entire covenant of marriage is a symbol, a great symbol, of the covenant God has made to his those he loves. I am excited, the couple are wonderful and it should be a really great time.

One of the most fun events of us leading up to the wedding was the arrival of my robe. Tuesday it came through the mail, so I put it on and walked around the house. Since neither my wife nor my daughter were paying any attention to me I decided to do my best impersonation of African American preaching, which I am sure was terrible but awfully fun to do. Eventually the girls got with it, offered some Amens!! to appease me and then I could go on hanging up my robe.


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