Wednesday, May 03, 2006

As you can imagine I have a few things to write about my experience running a marathon. One thing that was funny but not as gross as I had heard is how everyone (especially men, but also women) are peeing all over the place. While waiting in the staging area, I guess everyone is nervious so they turn descretely away. But throughout the race you see people dart into the woods, and then back out again. Very funny.

Well related to that, at one point we are on a down hill section and conversation started between my brother-in-law, myself and this woman running next to us. At one point the woman asks us what is that stuff on the plastic panels in the water stations. We told her it was Vasiline, of course she didn't know what it was for, so we as appropriately as we could explained that ( I won't go into it here, email me if you need to know). She then went on to explain to us how she thought it was GU (a running product that runners use to boost their energy, sort of a gel gatoraid). She was shocked at how unhygentic that would be grabbing this GU and shoveling it into your mouth. Needless to say my brother-in-law and I found the entire idea funny. How GU was test marketing Vasiline flavored GU. This whole conversations served as another running joke throughout the race.


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