Wednesday, April 05, 2006

So one theory I have expressed on my blog is that if you want to have a hit song be sure to include the word "baby" in it. This last Sunday while at CityTeam, a ministry that cares for those in recovery and homeless here in Oakland, my worship leader confirmed for me that I am not the only one who has this theory. He mentioned a song writer that has a song out that is entirely the word "baby". I was glad to hear that my theory holds true.

As we sat there and discussed this we realized that this has greater implications then music. You see there were a stack of grocery line checkout isle magazines next to where we were talking. I would guess there were ten of them, each on having somewhere on the cover a story about a baby! As we went through the pile our anticipation grew as we flipped each one over only to find another magazine with another story. So it seems that these people who produce the magazines have caught on.

So I am planning on changing our entire marketing plan for our church, everything that goes out from our church will have something that looks like this:

All Nations Church


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