Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Struggle for those of us in this country is a very strange thing. A friend of mine put it well this week when she said, "I am complaining to God that my jewel encrusted shoes are too tight and my purse is too small for my fat wallet." That really summarizes what I feel like.

God takes care of us, yet we continue to fear that it is going to run out. That somehow we over stayed our welcome and before we know it he is going to kick us out of the house. Yet he has promised never to kick us out of the house, and we are surprised when he sticks to his promises.

One of my prayers recently is that I am able to be patient. Recognize my disappointment but not let it overwhelm me, and seek God with all my heart. As we are able to do that it is amazing, God shows up. He is faithful, of course then we look and say what about those storm clouds in the distance, and He simply says look at me.

I was cracked up this week when I read God reminder to his people in Deuteronomy, where he says when you were wandering in the desert did your shoes or clothes wear out? No, God took care of his people for forty years and they never out grew their shoes. Right now in my neighborhood all the kids shoes are too small. You see it is too soon to buy them, parents are holding off until school shopping, yet my friend Sevan's shoes are at least one size too small. Thank God for putting some people in my life who's shoes are too tight...meanwhile it seems my diamond soled shoes might be bearable.


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