Thursday, June 16, 2005

I have reached another landmark in my life, and I feel like this one is very important to share. It brings a full circle to my life especially where my marriage is concerned. On my first date I did many things when looking back I would not have done. I was running late, and instead of being creative in my excuse I explained how my toilet had backed up and I was force to unclog it. Not the sort of first impression that you want to leave with someone you are trying to impress.

Not only did I have that inappropriate conversation but I willingly offered up a flaw. Probably offered up freely because I thought that it was so obvious that she would have noticed anyway. I began to discuss with Karin on our first date my unusually long nose hairs. Not just the one or two that tend to creep down our of your nose in an attempt to join the mustache in which I don’t have. For most people this is not a serious problem but for me I had a regular stream of hairs that would grow out of my nose.

It was so bad that the guys who I coached lacrosse for, as I would call them into the huddle, standing above them they would yell, coach it is like a “forest up there”, “where is the weed whacker, we need it for coaches nose”. Of course I made sure that they never noticed that I was sensitive in this area for I would never hear the end of it.

So last week I entered a new chapter of my life, one most men may have to enter at some point. I purchased noise hair trimmers. Looking like a new person I no longer have this flaw that I held as so dear for this many long years. Needless to say Karin was very amused when she found out I had bought them.


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