Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Motivating God's people to do God's work. Bibically the case is often made that a pastor's job is to pray and preach the Gospel. I fully agree with that and wonder if motivating God's people to do God's work is not part of the calling as well. 1 Peters 2:9, But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood...

Often time people expect the pastor to do the work of the priesthood, that's not biblical. We are all in this together. What I am realizing is that motivating people is much harder than I realize. Some just do it like a dictator would, hopefully they are benevolent, but they get things done. Others only move forward with consensous, that seems just as wrong in my book. So how do we do it?

The answer is obviously the Gospel. So let me talk more about that. At first for me that means serving the way Jesus served. He washed feet, he even gave his life for those he loved. We need to be doing that, but what happens when we do it and look around and see that we are the only one washing feet? Yes, there are times that it is okay to be the only one. Remember, Don't let the right hand know what the left hand is doing. Alright, but Jesus did not do his ministry alone.

So we spend time with people. This is discipleship, teaching, training, but also spending time with people. There are those in my congregation who are motivated by calling them and telling them I have a project for them, tell them what it is, and then what time to show up. They respond and love that. Others need to have their hand held, be listen to, they need to feel valued more than anything in their work.

What challenges me the most is when it is a task that needs a large amount of people to pull off. A 'church wide' commitment. Last week we pulled one of these off in our Art Camp and it was wonderful. Not because I'm so good, but because the right people got into the right positions. Now I am wrestling through what the next step is after this camp. I have thoughts, ideas, and vision, but could never ever do it on my own. So how do you motivate people? Much more challenging. I am trying, will probably offend some, but hopefully the Holy Ghost has already gone before me and people will already be walking in that direction.


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