Monday, July 03, 2006

In a previous blog I mentioned what I thought was the funniest part of running the marathon and that was the woman asking Jon, my bro-in-law, what was on the plastic boards at the watering station. We said Vaseline, and then had to describe why runners use it. She laughed because she had thought is was 'Gu', which is a protein gel that gives you energy as you ran. She said, "I thought it was oftly unsanitary to just have in on a board like that and then to eat it." Jon and I laughed saying yeah the vaseline flavor probably wouldn't sell to well anyway.

Used for the right purpose Vaseline on a board is great, yet if that is what you want to give you more energy by eating it while running a marathon you are going to be messed up. Last night before communion I said but that is what we do all the time. God has given us plenty in the life to enjoy. The problem is rather than finding our source for energy and life from God's 'Gu', the Gospel, we are eating away at the Vaseline. And we wonder why we are struggling so much to finish the race.


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