Thursday, July 27, 2006

Disappointment. One of the hardest things for me to imagine about heaven is that it will not disappoint. That seems to be such a part of this life. We are promised so much and nothing lives up to it. Just yesterday I experience severe disappointment, so much so I felt like a child. For an entire week I had been looking foward to a day game at the Colesium, where the Oakland A's were playing the Boston Red Sox and tickets are only $2.00. The entire week I was excited and I was even taking Aidyn (who loves to go to baseball games with her father). Yesterday morning I went online to confirm that tickets were still available, and they were not. As a matter of fact there were no $2.00 because this year they changed the stadium. The other tickets were $8.00 and then $30.00, and we do not have the money for them. Aidyn was easy to deal with, she had earned a free ice cream in her summer reading program. We went to Ben & Jerry's and cashed in. Yet it was not so easy for me. I was profoundly disappointed. Disappointed with not getting to see baseball, disappointed with not spending that special time with my daughter, disappointed that I do not have the resources to get into that game, profoundly disappointed to be me, and profoundly disappointed with the One who made me. In thinking about it I am disppointed often, yet as an adult I have learned to ignore it or hope for less. Yesterday I returned to being a child. And now I hear the whisper of Jesus saying come to me for to you belongs the kingdom of heaven.


Blogger Goes On Runs said...

i am always amazed at how quickly i become disappointed - as if i some how have gotten a clearly picture of what i need than my heavenly father does. it only goes to show me how shallow and simple my dreams are and how little i really want god to show up and be creative in my life.....

11:25 AM  

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