Thursday, March 23, 2006

Learning to be a minister in Oakland...that is a very compound statement so let me break it down. Learning to be a minister. And learning to be a minister in Oakland. are both very interesting experiences. Today I feel I am was at an event that I am learning more of the second. Every two weeks a group called Oakland Pastors get together at a prominate African-American Church in east Oakland. The racial breakdown of the group is great. A few hispanic ministers, one asian, three white, and all the rest are African American Pastors. Young and old are there alike, though mostly old, and all of us seem to be fighting in our understanding of how God is at work in our city and what are part is in it all.

This week the mayor was supposed to show up and follow up on a talk he had with the pastors regarding violence in our city. Just this year alone we have already had 31 deaths, for a city of about on half million that number is staggering. That is why Oakland has been one of the leaders in deaths per capita for cities in the United States. As you can imagine the mayor not showing up to such an event was an extreme smack in the face. The person I felt the worst for was his press secretary who came without knowing the mayor was expected. Boy did it get wild. Those who seem to already have a disposition to throw fire especially on political situations threw fire, and needless to say as a stick in the mud Presbyterian I felt uncomfortable, not to mention that I am white. So I sat and prayed. And prayed. Eventually wise, cooler heads prevailed. These pastors love their city, they hate seeing young people, especially young african american men die for no good reason. There is an incredible amount of passion for this city. I feel it and I have only lived here three years. I have only been ministering that long. Many of these men have been born here and have struggled for the sake of the gospel for years. I don't have a bow to wrap all of this up in. I don't know what it means to be a minister..much less one in Oakland. The problems that we are facing are daunting for anyone. that is why I am led to pray. And I wish I did that better.


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