Thursday, March 09, 2006

There are simply not enough hours in a day. There are things swimming around in my head that I have to express. There have been a recent number of people being affected by what they post on the internet. Some college students have been kick out of school, some high school students were denied admission after writing bad things about a college they applied to. Often I think that my posts are only read by the two friends that I have, yet just the other day a kid on my lacrosse team told me that he googled me!?! Very interesting huh, that all of our lives are out there for any person to be checking out. One again as followers of Jesus we must be sure to live unto him in every area of my life. I cannot seperate my personal opinions expressed on my blog from my ministry as a pastor. Hopefully if there seems to be any disconnect for people it would lead them into further conversation with me. I would imagine that they issues and thoughts I would have as a pastor in Oakland would be significantly different then someone in other parts of the country yet at the same time I am working to apply the Gospel the same.

Anyway I don't know if this makes any sense at all, but I am fighting off a virus that really has beaten me up.


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