Saturday, October 21, 2006

I am sitting here watching "No Direction Home." Listen, watching, thinking about Bob Dylan takes me some other place, it is transcendent in the moment. Unable to explain why but passion and love are a large part of it, and a sense of the normal being extraordinary.

Here is one beautiful/profound quote, that I needed to get down somewhere so I dropped it here, mostly for myself but you also get to enjoy it.

"By writing good songs and writing about contemporary ideas in traditional forms which I understood, and it made it like it was written today but it sounded like it could have been written two hundred years ago also, it sounded current and old at the same time. So it wasn't just like singing a song like Pete Segar would sing it because it was important to sing it. He sang so it affected us."

The beauty and richness on which we stand is the tradition that we hold must be articulated in a contemporary way.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Hard Work

Okay, I have removed all the concrete. Ripped out all the grass, and crab grass by hand. Tore out trees, add ammendment. A week ago I rented a rotatiller and went to town. Tomorrow a landscaper is coming over to give us a bid on the skill work. I would say a month away!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The rate of speed in which life is traveling is mindblowing. Just when you think you have a chance to catch your breath, one more thing 'comes up'. Trying to get three worship leaders to meet at the same time is complicated by the fact that the A's are in the playoffs and Sufjan Stevens has a show. When it comes down to it I am jealous that I am not going to either.

Now as I wait in the office for a phone call. I really try to not lose my mind as it seems that the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years spiral down the drain at a rate that each morning I fail to understand.