Thursday, July 29, 2004

Over these summer months our church has been challenged in two major areas, which seem appearently related.  The first is our attendance.  With the large number of people travel, singles getting away for the weekend, and other just doing the vacation thing our attendance has been less than steller.  This leads directly to our second challenge and that is in the area of giving.  Our giving has been rather low during this period.

Which leads me to a wonderful story of how God provides.  Though our attendance and giving have been down this summer, mercy needs within the body have increased.  There have been a few new faces that have been added to our congregation that have been in need of financial help as well as some of our long term members.  Within the span of two weeks we had given out well over $500 to those in need.  In such as short period of time that was a substancial amount for our little church.

Then I recieve an email from a member of our church with a two hundred dollar need.  This person offered to work for it and was looking for any suggestions.  I had someone who I knew could you some house and yard work, yet because we were communicating through email our window closed and we missed the opportunity.  So I began praying because I knew I would have to make a decision on how to help and would see the person on Sunday to discuss it.  Scriptually I knew that we were obligated to assist this person since they are in our body, but I knew we could not justify it financially.  I prayed for two days and Sunday morning came, still not solution.

As I was helping set up a lady in our church came to me and said, "I read that there are some financial needs in the bulletin last week."  Now mind you this had nothing to do with the recent need, this was the $500 we had shelled out.  She continued, "I have more taken out in taxes than some people make all year, I want to write a check for $1000 toward the mercy needs of the church."  I was floored and took that as a direct answer as to how to handle the new situation.  Once again through the ministry of All Nations a person was helped, God continues to provide!


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