Tuesday, April 13, 2004

#1- Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34

The same words Jesus spoke to the disciples as he taught them to pray, Father, the same words that Jesus prayed while in the garden of Gesetheme as he prepared to face the wrath of God, Father, the same word I am sure he utter thousands of times as He went off away from the crowds early in the morning to pray, Father. Is it any wonder that this man who’s entire life was define by prayer, rather than screaming a grown or curse, prays in his first words from the cross.

And rather than praying an imprecatory prayer, which calls God to take victory over his enemies by destroying them as we read in the psalms, and rather than a prayer of despair or blame toward God. Jesus prays to God as His Father, still recognizing His position as a Son who is loved, even in the most terrible of circumstances.

How often when we are in difficult circumstances do we blame God. God why did you make me lose my job, I do not know where my next pay check is going to come from. God why did you take away my loved one, I may never love again. God why did you allow me to be abused, I will never recover because of what has been done to me. After he had been physically tortured, after nails had been driven through his wrists and feet, after His cross had been raised and dropped into the ground, and after the joints of his body had dislodged, the first words out of his lips are a prayer for others.

Jesus in his matchless love spies out a reason for mercy; ignorance. “They know not what they do.” How great our saviors love that as he hung on the tree he pleads on our behalf. For ignorance of the law does not make you above the law and though ignorant you must still receive forgiveness. It is as if you get a ticket for parking at a broken parking meter and your only defense is that you did not know that was illegal. You will still have to pay the fine. Whether you grew up in the church or not or whether you ever read the bible or not. God’s law has been broken and it demands that his wrath must be satisfied. Will you choose to suffer the penalty on your own or allow Jesus to suffer it on your behalf?

No prayer in the Bible do we have greater evidence of being answered than this one. It is as if Jesus through a stone into a lake forming at first a narrow circle and then a wider ring, and soon a larger sphere until the whole lake is covered with circling waves. After Jesus death on the cross we have the testimony of the Roman soldier. At the day of Pentecost, with the coming of the Holy Spirit, we are told that three thousand repented and were baptized, through out the Roman empire through the ministry of the disciples, through the rest of history through the acts of Christian martyrs and missionaries, you and I being here tonight is God’s answer to this prayer that Jesus uttered while on the cross. Praise be to the God who answered Jesus prayer.


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