Monday, April 05, 2004

Talking with Vu about baptism would have been enough for me to celebrate the All Nations Visitor dessert that we hosted, but the fact that we had thirty people at the dessert was amazing. There were a few moles present but over all the majority of people were new to the All Nations Community. A mole is someone representing one of our Community Groups or who is just fun to have at functions like that.

The highlight for me of the evening was when we sat in one very large circle which took up our entire living room and dining room and people told how they had come to find out about All Nations. Mark and Karen Yolton had what is to me the most touching story of them all. Karen said that she grew up Catholic and only went to church on Christmas. But each Christmas she would take her children to a different church to show them that God is in all churches. This past Christmas her grown children and her grandchildren came to All Nations with her and her husband Mark. Now I remember this service and I remember them specifically. It was easy to remember them because we had very few people from our congregation present and I remember part of the service going terribly wrong. Now Karen's experience was very different from my own. She said walking into All Nations that night she felt something. She realized all of these years that she had not been going to church just to show her children that God is in all churches, but that she was searching for a spiritual home. She went home that night and was changed. Yet she didn't say anything. The power of the Holy Spirit was obvious when her husband the next morning (Christmas Day) said to her we need to go back to that church.

Praise God that He moved in their hearts dispite our efforts. I am often amazed that God uses the most feeble of our actions for His good. The Yolton's are becoming members of All Nations and continue to be a blessing to our community.


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